Dog Facts
Shortened Name
A dog can often be called a Canine. However, a K9 is a police dog that is trained just for the use of assisting police.
Scientific Name
The Scientific name for a dog is the “Canis lupus familiaris”.
Dog Years VS Human Years
One year is roughly the same as seven “dog years”(for every year we have it’s like a dog has seven. This is because dog’s mature faster than humans.) However, this varies a lot depending on how young or old your dog is.
Tallest Dog
The tallest dog ever was called “Zeus” it was a Great Dane that lived in the USA. “Zeus” was measured to be 1.118 m (44 in) on the 4th of October in 2011.
Oldest Dog
The oldest dog lived roughly 30 years!!!
Dog Nose Print
Every dog has its own unique nose print.